Proposed Budget FY 2020-21
- 101-Selectmen-FY21 (pdf)
- 102-Assessor-FY21 (pdf)
- 103-TaxCollector-FY21 (pdf)
- 104-Building-FY21 (pdf)
- 105-TownEngineer-FY21 (pdf)
- 106-Human Resources-FY21 (pdf)
- 107 T Clerk_Budget 2020-2021 (pdf)
- 108-Health-FY21 (pdf)
- 109-InformationTechnology-FY21 (pdf)
- 110- Registrars Budget-FY21 (pdf)
- 111-Judge of Probate-FY21 (pdf)
- 113 - Maint of Town Bldg-FY21 (pdf)
- 114-Govt Misc Benefits-FY21 (pdf)
- 115-Services to Community-FY21 (pdf)
- 116-Zoning Commission-FY21 (pdf)
- 117-Planning Department-FY21 (pdf)
- 118-Finance Department-FY21 (pdf)
- 120 -Contingency-FY21 (pdf)
- 126-Board of Finance-FY21 (pdf)
- 127-Board of Assessment Appeals-FY21 (pdf)
- 130-Zoning Board Appeals-FY21 (pdf)
- 132-Inland Wetlands Agency-FY21 (pdf)
- 133-Wtfd-ElShellfishComm-FY21 (pdf)
- 134-Brookside Farm Museum-FY21 (pdf)
- 135- Building Comm-FY21 (pdf)
- 136-HarborMgtComm-FY21 (pdf)
- 138-Conservation of Natural Resources Comm-FY21 (pdf)
- 139-Historic Properties Commission-FY21 (pdf)
- 214-Emergency Management FY21 (pdf)
- 215 - Dispatch-FY21 (pdf)
- 216_PS_Police Dept -FY21 (pdf)
- 217-Niantic Fire Department-FY21 (pdf)
- 218-PS_FlandersFire_FY21 (pdf)
- 224-Fire Marshal-FY21 (pdf)
- 226 - ACO - FY21 (pdf)
- 317-PublicWorks-HwySanitation-FY 21 (pdf)
- 418 - Commission on Aging-FY21 (pdf)
- 419-VNA of Southeastern CT-FY21 (pdf)
- 420_Library-FY 21 (pdf)
- 421-Parks_and_Recreation-FY21 (pdf)
- 522-Debt Service - Interest on Debt FY21 (pdf)
- 523-Debt Service - Redemption of Debt FY21 (pdf)
- 724-Capital Outlays-Capital Equipment FY21 (pdf)
- 999-BOE FY21 (pdf)