Breezeline Channel 191 or 2003, Comcast Xfinity Channel 97 and Frontier Channel 6112 will run special announcements from municipal, school and non-profit organizations daily. Special school functions, municipal meetings and special interest presentations will be run both live and recorded during the day and evening to inform and educate the public.
Special PowerPoint presentations will also be allowed as long as the municipal message being delivered is approved by the First Selectman or his designee.
Recorded municipal and school programs will run daily. Scroll messages and PowerPoint presentations will run at all other times. The schedule may be subject to change due to special needs of the Town or School.
Material for East Lyme’s Cable TV Channel should be forwarded to Dispatch – by fax (860-739-0337), interoffice mail, U.S. mail, or email
To allow for easy reading approved information to be placed on the scroll will be formatted to fit on a maximum of two PowerPoint slides with a minimum Times New Roman font size of 24 and a maximum word count of 45 words of three (3) letters or more. The Town will not edit and will not run messages that are not received in the correct format. The maximum number of days a message will run is two weeks. Presentations must not be submitted for airing any earlier than two days prior to the requested airing.
- The Town reserves the right to extend airing times for Public Safety Presentations.
- The Town reserves the right to preempt any program, live or recorded, to post emergency messages (red background screen).
- The Town reserves the right to reject any display or recorded presentation if found inappropriate.
Any questions should be directed to e-mail address
Information on PEG (Public, Education & Government) television including the government channels in other municipalities and free Community Access TV for residents and non-profits can be found on the Community Access TV page.