To Report a Street Light Issue

The Town of East Lyme owns almost all of the streetlights in Town. Because of this, if you have non-urgent streetlight issues, please submit a report using Notify Us.

Pole NumberThe information that we will need when reporting an issue is as follows

  1. The Name of the person reporting the problem and the best contact number we can reach you in case we need to follow-up.
  2. The utility pole #. Almost all streetlight poles are numbered.  The number is usually located about eye level in metallic numbers as shown in the image.
  3. The nearest street address.
  4. The problem. Some of the issues could be:
    • A. The light is flickering
    • B. The light is out
    • C. The light is damaged and might fall to the ground (** See note below)
    • D. The utility pole that the light was on is damaged or has been knocked down (** See note below)
    • E. Other issue


** In the cases of items 4C & 4D, please call 911 IMMEDIATELY and the Public Works Department will be dispatched to repair the safety hazard.