In most cases the following attachments include both the summary and narrative in one pdf file.Few are separated into two parts, see the description.
Review Agenda for the Board of Finance–
Public Hearing on May 26, 2010
at the EL High School Auditorium, 7:00p.m.
- 101-Selectmen-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 102-Assessor-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 103-TaxCollector-FY11-.pdf (pdf)
- 104-Building-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 105-TownEngineer-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 106-HumanResources-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 107_TClerk-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 108-Health-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 109-InformationTechnology-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 110- Registrars-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 111-JudgeOfProbate-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 113-MaintOfTownBldg-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 114-GovtMiscBenefits-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 115 -ServiceToCommunity-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 116-Zoning Commission-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 117-PlanningDepartment-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 120 -Contingencyy-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 126-BoardOfFinance-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 129-PlanningCommission-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 130-ZoningBoardAppeals-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 131-EconDevComm-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 132-InlandWetlandsAgency-summaryFY11.pdf (pdf)
- 132-InlandWetlandsAgency-narrativeFY11.pdf (pdf)
- 133-Wtfd-ElShellfishComm-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 134-SmithHarrisComm-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 135-TownBldgComm-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 136-HarborMgtComm-FY11_DL.pdf (pdf)
- 138-CnservOfNaturalResComm-summaryFY11.pdf (pdf)
- 138-CnservOfNaturalResComm-narrFY11.pdf (pdf)
- 216_PS_Police Dept-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 217_PS_NianticFire_FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 218-PS_FlandersFire_summaryFY11.pdf (pdf)
- 218-PS_FlandersFire_narrativeFY11.pdf (pdf)
- 224-FireMarshall-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 317-PublicWorks-HwySanitation 11.pdf (pdf)
- 418-Commission on Aging-FY11(1).pdf (pdf)
- 419-VNA of Southeastern CT-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 420_Library-FY11_11-30-09.pdf (pdf)
- 421-Parks-a-Recreation-FY11SpecRevFund.pdf (pdf)
- 422-Youth Services-FY11.pdf (pdf)
- 522-DebtService-InterestOnDebtFY11.pdf (pdf)
- 523-DebtService-RedemptionOfDebtFY11.pdf (pdf)
- 724-CapitalOutlays-CapitalEquipment-sumFY11.pdf (pdf)
- 724-CapitalOutlays-CapitalEquipment-Narr FY11.pdf (pdf)
- CapitalProjectsList 2010-11.pdf (pdf)