- October 27 2020 Special Meeting Agenda Planning Commission (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibits A-C (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibits D - H (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibits I - M (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibits N - W (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit X (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit X Attachments (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit Y Email and Plans (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit Z Final Plan Set October 19 2020 (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Applicants Submission to Health October 19 2020 Exhibit AA (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit BB Engineering Review (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit CC (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit DD Substantive changes response (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit EE Response to Commissioner Bombach (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit FF memo from Applicant RE Open Space (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit GG response to staff comments October 26 2020 (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit HH Applicant response to Neighbors (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit II Response to Timeline for Submissions (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit JJ Response to Engineering Comments of October 25 2020 (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit KK Plans of August 31 2020 (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit LL Right to Cross Examine Planning Commission (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit MM Nottingham Hills Subdivision Lot Line Revisions of Existing Lots 19 & 21 & Conservation Design Development 1 Lot Resub of Portions of Lots 19 & 21 O (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit NN Conventional Plan Nottingham Hills Subdivision 4 Lot Resubdivision of Lots 19 & 21 (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit OO Site Plan Alternateive House Locations October 27 2020 (pdf)
- 22 and 24 Upper Kensington Nottingham Hills Exhibit PP Email from B Johnston for Public Comment (pdf)
- Zoning Referral N Bride Brook Brookside Apartments 8-30g (pdf)
- Memo of Town Planner to Commission re Zoning Referral N Bride Brook Apartments (pdf)
- GG Planning Department Referral Response to Zoning on N Bride Brook (pdf)