- Exhibit List 91 Boston Post Rd Concept. site plan (vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet)
- Exhibit MMM Exhibit Section 32 EL Zoning Regulations (pdf)
- Exhibit LLL Section 28 EL Zoning Regulations (pdf)
- Exhibit KKK P Geraghty letter (pdf)
- Exhibit JJJ Affordable Housing Appeals List (pdf)
- Exhibit III P Geraghty letter (pdf)
- Exhibit HHH R Reynolds Reply to Geraghty (pdf)
- Exhibit GGG Intersection Sight Distance Analysis (pdf)
- Exhibit FFF Dependent EL response to motion for judgement (pdf)
- Exhibit EEE Support memo to reopen judgement & extend sale (pdf)
- Exhibit DDD P Geraghty extension approval letter (pdf)
- Exhibit CCC revised site map (pdf)
- Exhibit BBB Eng Harbor Memo to EL ZC re public comments (pdf)
- Exhibit AAA K Clarke letter to G Goeschel re permit application (pdf)
- Exhibit ZZ Minutes of ZC 3.14.24 (pdf)
- Exhibit YY A Carlson letter to EL ZC re Davis comments (pdf)
- Exhibit XX P Geraghty letterto G Goeschel re wetlands permit (pdf)
- Exhibit WW Quit Claim Deed (pdf)
- Exhibit VV Executors Deed (pdf)
- Exhibit UU R Reynolds (Save the Sound) letter to EL ZC (pdf)
- Exhibit TT Public comments from D Moshier-Dunn (pdf)
- Exhibit SS Public comment from D Danila (pdf)
- Exhibit RR Court Case # KNL-CV21-6054418-S (pdf)
- Exhibit QQ Memo from K Clarke to W Mulholland re response to staff comments (pdf)
- Exhibit PP Pro Forma Calculations (pdf)
- Exhibit OO Traffic Report Analysis (pdf)
- Exhibit NN Memo from K Clarke to W Brown LLHD 2.22.24 (pdf)
- Exhibit MM A. Carlson letter to ZC re Torrance authority 3.11.24 (pdf)
- Exhibit A Zoning Application 91 Boston Post Rd (pdf)
- Exhibit B A-2 Survey 91 Boston Post Rd (pdf)
- Exhibit C Site Plan 91 Boston Post Rd (pdf)
- Exhibit D Soils Map 91 Boston Post Rd (pdf)
- Exhibit E Traffic Report 91 Boston Post Rd (pdf)
- Exhibit F-G Building (Duplex-Apt) Elevations 91 Boston Post Rd (pdf)
- Exhibit H Table Describing Bedrooms-Bathrooms 91 Boston Post Rd (pdf)
- Exhibit I-Ia-Ib Affordability Plan. cals. model deed 91 Boston Post Rd (pdf)
- Exhibit J Required permits (list from applicant) 91 Boston Post Rd (pdf)
- Exhibit K-Ka-Kb-Kc-Kd Design Report 91 Boston Post Rd (pdf)
- Exhibit L Geraghty letter to Mulholland (pdf)
- Exhibit M ZC Agenda (New Business) (pdf)
- Exhibit N Correspondance re- wetlands permit (pdf)
- Exhibit O Geraghty letter to Mulholland- no public hearing (pdf)
- Exhibit P A. Klose Comments (Town Engineer) (pdf)
- Exhibit Q G. Goeschel comments (IWA-Planning) (pdf)
- Exhibit R Atty Carey Correspondence (pdf)
- Exhibit S P Geraghty letter to B North (municipal water service) (pdf)
- Exhibit T Drainage Report 91 Boston Post Rd (pdf)
- Exhibit U D. Garside comments bldg dept -no comment (pdf)
- Exhibit V P Geraghty letter to G Goeschel re-Wetlands (pdf)
- Exhibit W J Theroux -soil scientist- letter re-WEtlands (pdf)
- Exhibit X B North Comments (Water-Sewer Dept) (pdf)
- Exhibit Y E. Quinn Comments (Fire Marshal) (pdf)
- Exhibit Z Conceptual Site Plan (pdf)
- Exhibit AA Minutes of ZC 1.1.24 Reg Meeting (pdf)
- Exhibit BB Minutes of ZC 2.15.24 Reg Meeting (pdf)
- Exhibit CC Minutes of ZC 2.1.24 Reg Meeting (pdf)
- Exhibit DD ZC Reg Meeting Schedule (pdf)
- Exhibit EE The Day Newspaper Article 2.1.24 (pdf)
- Exhibit FF Certified Mailings to Abutters from Applicant (pdf)
- Exhibit GG P. Geraghty memo to ZC re. Conceptual Site Plan (pdf)
- Exhibit TT Public comments from D Moshier-Dunn (pdf)
- Exhibit HH Chapter 13 -What's Legally Required- excerpt (pdf)
- Exhibit II Minutes of ZC 8.4.22 Reg Meeting (pdf)