Members of the public wishing to comment on the Public Hearing Text Amendment should email their comments a minimum of ONE HOUR before the meeting to the Zoning Department admin.
You will be able to comment during the meeting, however, in the interest of maintaining a clear and concise record, we are requesting that comments be submitted prior to the Public Hearing in writing, to Zoning Department admin.—Inland-Wetlands-Regulation
- IWA Amended Agenda July 13 2020 (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit A Regulation Change Text (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit B Referral Letters (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit C Public Hearing and Legal for Regulation Change (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit D DEEP Receipt of Reg Change and Notice (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit E Letter of Support from CCNR (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit F 100FT URA (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit F1 100FTvs500FT URA (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit G 100FTvs500FT URA_APA&StatAq (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit H List Serve Other Towns (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit I CT DEEP IWWR - 22a-39 (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit J CT DEEP Enforcement Flowchar 2015 (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit K CT DEEP Soil Scientist Qualifications (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit L CT DEEP Disturbed Soils Guidance 2015 NRCS (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit M CT DEEP Application 2015 (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit N CT DEEP FlowchartTimelineForRegulationsAmendments 2015pdf (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit O CT DEEP 2006 IW Model Regulations Final_4th_edition (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit P CT DEEP 1997 Upland Review Document June1997 (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit Q 2015 Regulation Advisorypdf (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit R 2013 Revised Pemit Time frames Chartpdf (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit S 2012 Regulation Advisory PDF (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit T 2011 Regulations Advisory pdf (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit U 2010 Legislation Regulations Advisory Letterpdf (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit V 2009 advisory pdf (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit W 2006 regulations advisory PDF (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit X 2007 1regulations advisory PDF (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit Y Permit Revocation Flow Chart 2015 (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit Z Hollister Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit AA Memo from Planning Commission with 7/7/20 minutes (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit BB Picazio Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit CC Daubar Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit DD Mingo Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit EE Vilcheck Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit FF Brothers Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit GG Peck Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit HH Butterfield Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit II Booth Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit JJ Higgins Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit KK D Lepkowski Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit LL Goss Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit MM A Lepkowski Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit NN Zoning Referral Response (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit OO Blatt Letter Section 1 (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit OO Blatt Letter Section 2 (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit PP Ambrico Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit QQ C Russell Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit RR Barwikowski Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit SS D Lepkowski Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit TT B Lepkowski Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit UU M Anderson Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit VV N Anderson Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit WW T Harris Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit XX M Schmitt Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit YY Shugrue Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit ZZ L Engelman Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit AAA Mark Lepkowski Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit BBB Basu Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit CCC Drinking Water Report (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit DDD Miner Letter (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit FFF Letter from M Anthony (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit GGG Minutes of May 18 and June 8 2020 I (pdf)
- Item II Exhibit HHH D Diehl (pdf)
- Item IV A Inland Wetlands Meeting of June-8-2020-Minutes (pdf)
- Item VII A New Business Creek Rd Giants Neck Heights Club House and 21 Marshfield (pdf)