The July 4th season is upon us and the public safety officials caution the general population against the dangers of fireworks. Each year nationwide, average, there are 10,000 injuries, 3 deaths, and 25,000 fires due to the use of illegal fireworks. Please don’t become a statistic!
The only personal-use fireworks that are legal in Connecticut are SPARKLERS AND FOUNTAINS.
Illegal devices to use, store or sell in Connecticut: Bottle rockets, firecrackers, black cats, lady fingers, roman candles, smoke bombs, party poppers, snakes, professional display aerial shells shot from mortar tubes, M-80’s, M-100’s, M-1000’s, Cherry Bombs, B;ockbusters, Quarter Sticks and others.
Possession of these devices is in violation of: CT General Statutes: 29-348 or 29-357 and/or 53-80a.
Illegal possession of explosives is a felony! Purchasing and transporting across state lines is a crime!
Connecticut Fire Chiefs and Fire Marshals along with Law Enforcement and others in the Public Safety community urge you to enjoy your 4th of July season by taking your family to a legal, licensed, and permitted fireworks display, and leave it to the professionals to provide your entertainment!
It’s safer, it’s legal and a lot more fun than being arrested!
For more information, see the Connecticut State Police Topics in Public Safety flyer on the Fireworks Laws
This article contains content from the Connecticut Career Fire Chiefs Association