- Oct 15 2020 Agenda (pdf)
- Section 32 Text Amendment Exhibits A thru P (pdf)
- Section 32 Text Amendment Exhibit Q Applicants Supplemental Materials Updated (pdf)
- Section 32 Text Amendment Exhibit R Zoning Regulations of February 6 2020 (pdf)
- Section 32 Text Amendment Exhibit S Site Plan Application 2020 (pdf)
- Section 32 Text Amendment Exhibit T CAM Application April 7 2017 (pdf)
- Section 32 Text Amendment Exhibit U Inland-Wetlands-Regulations-as-Amended-to-April-11-2011 (pdf)
- Section 32 Text Amendment Exhibit V Wetlands Application 2012 (pdf)
- Site Plan Modification Request of 87 W Main Street Guys Oil (pdf)
- Site Plan Modification Plans and Photos 87 W Main St Guys Oil (pdf)
- Site Plan Modification Kudos 87 W Main Street Guys Oil (pdf)
- October 1 2020 Minutes (pdf)