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- Planning Agenda of January 12 2021 (pdf)
- Planning-Commission-December-1-2020-Minutes (pdf)
- Planning Special Meeting 1 Minutes December 10 2020 (pdf)
- Planning Special Meeting 2 Minutes December 10 2020 (pdf)
- Nottingham Resub Exhibit List (pdf)
- Exhibits A through C Nottingham ReSubdivision (pdf)
- Exhibits D through H Nottingham ReSubdivision (pdf)
- Exhibits I through M Nottingham ReSubdivision (pdf)
- Exhibist N through W Nottingham ReSubdivision (pdf)
- Exhibit X Nottingham ReSubdivision (pdf)
- Exhibit X Attachments Nottingham ReSubdivision (pdf)
- Exhibit Y Nottingham ReSubdivision (pdf)
- Exhibit Z Nottingham ReSubdivision (pdf)
- Exhibits AA through JJ Nottingham ReSubdivision (pdf)
- Exhibit KK Nottingham ReSubdivision (pdf)
- Exhibits LL through QQ Nottingham ReSubdivision (pdf)
- Exhibits RR through WW Nottingham ReSubdivision (pdf)
- Exhibit XX Nottingham ReSubdivision (pdf)
- Exhibit YY Nottingham ReSubdivision (pdf)
- Exhibit ZZ Nottingham ReSubdivision (pdf)
- Exhibit AAA Nottingham Resubdivision Plans Revised through December 9 2020 (pdf)
- Exhibit BBB LLHD Review and Approval (pdf)
- GG_Memo_Nottingham Hills 4-Lot Resubdivision_2224 UpperKensington_FINDINGS MOTION_1-11-2021.docx (pdf)
- New Business 40 Spring Rock Rd Application and Plans (pdf)
- Regional Planning Commission Meeting Notice January 25 2021 (pdf)