The East Lyme Public Works Department does not trim trees or other vegetation associated with power wires.
Eversource engages tree trimmers to trim trees about every four years to build better reliability in providing power to our residents. The tree trimmer contractors are to leave door hangers on resident’s doors to provide notification of the tree work that they intend on doing in front of people’s properties. The Town does not have anything to do with this work. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the Town Public Works Department at
Service wires located between a utility pole and a house are insulated for leaf and occasional branch contact.
Eversource Energy handles all power wire-associated trimming. You may submit a Tree Assessment Request to Eversource Energy. A submitted request requires a pole number which is located on the pole on a metal plate at eye level and labelled as an Eversource Energy (CL&P) or SNET pole with the number.