Flood hazard maps, also known as FIRMs, indicate whether properties are in areas of high, moderate or low flood risk. In reviewing the revised New London County maps, many property owners may find that their risk is higher or lower than they thought. If the risk level for a property changes, so may the requirement to carry flood insurance.
Those who have a federally backed mortgage, or plan to refinance with a federally backed lender, will be required to purchase flood insurance if they find that their home is newly shown in a high-risk flood area known as a Special Flood Hazard Area on the updated maps. Purchasing flood insurance before the flood maps become effective will lock in the lower-risk zone and could lead to significant savings. Residents are urged to contact their insurance agent or visit www.FloodSmart.gov to learn more about how and where to get a policy.
Residents should look at the new preliminary flood maps to both become familiar with the flood risks in their community and to see whether their flood zone has changed.
The maps can be viewed at East Lyme Town Hall and at the FEMA Flood Map Service Center web site.
Each town received both a paper copy and a digital copy of the new maps to share with their residents for review before they become finalized. In addition, East Lyme residents are strongly encouraged to contact their insurance agent, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), or the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CT DEP). For additional information., you may also visit the following websites: