Hole-in-the-Wall Parking Lot – Outdoor Stormwater Classroom


Long Island Sound Stormwater Quality Improvements.

The Town of East Lyme has created an outdoor stormwater classroom at the Hole-in-the-Wall parking lot located in downtown Niantic adjacent to the Long Island Sound.

The parking lot serves as one of two main entrances to the Niantic Bay Boardwalk and local town beaches. The 1.1 mile boardwalk is one of the largest continuous stretch of public access to the shoreline in Connecticut.

The outdoor stormwater classroom contains educational signs posted throughout the parking lot. These signs demonstrate many of the latest technologies and techniques utilized to treat and reduce stormwater runoff before discharging into the Long Island Sound.

In addition to treating 23 acres of stormwater, the goal of the outdoor stormwater classroom is to educate all people about the importance of keeping stormwater clean.

Grand Opening Photos — October, 2009

Detention/Infiltration Basin Upgrades — June, 2016
Detention/infiltration basin upgrades to improve water quality treatment measures prior to stormwater runoff being discharged to Long Island Sound. Funding for the improvement project was provided by the CT DEEP NPS Grant Program with matching contributions from the East Lyme Highway Department, Parks & Recreation, and Engineering Department. A Project Description & Photos were included with the Final Report for the Grant program.