Contract for the Hope Street Parking Lot Improvements Project was awarded to and was constructed by Wiese Construction, Inc. See below for Plans, Specs and Addendum.
- 06 D-2 6-20-11.pdf (pdf)
- 05 D-1 6-20-11.pdf (pdf)
- 04 GU-1 6-20-11.pdf (pdf)
- 03 SP-1 6-20-11.pdf (pdf)
- 02 TS-1 6-20-11.pdf (pdf)
- 01 CV-1 6-20-11.pdf (pdf)
- HopeStPkgLotImprovementsSpecs_6-20-11 2of2.pdf (pdf)
- HopeStPkgLotImprovementsSpecs_6-20-11 1of2.pdf (pdf)
- Hope St Pkg Lot Improvements Addendum 1.pdf (pdf)