1. Contact the East Lyme Police Department (860-739-5900) to get the proper Service Code.

2. Access the State of Connecticut PreEnrollment portal.

3. Enter the Service Code that you wrote down specific to your transaction and click Submit Service Code.

4. Confirm the information on the next page. If everything looks good, click the YES – This information looks Correct. You will be redirected to a new page. Follow the instructions on that page to complete entering the required information. When finished, click Submit Pre-Enrollment.

5. You will be prompted to pay the required State and FBI fingerprinting services fees. At the end of the transaction, you will have the ability to print a receipt showing your transaction number. You will also receive an email message at the email address you provided during the PreEnrollment process. If you do not have the ability to print the receipt containing your transaction number, please write down the transaction number and bring it with you. If you are having difficulty with this process, we will be more than happy to assist you in person.

7. Upon completion of PreEnrollment, you can call the East Lyme Police Department at 860-739-5900 to set up a fingerprinting appointment. Bring your receipt with you showing your transaction number as this will be required to access the information that you provided during the PreEnrollment process.

8. In an effort to reduce the time needed at the Police Department, the two required Privacy Act statements are available for download below. You are required to read and sign both Privacy Act statements. You may print both, read, sign, and bring with you or read and sign them at the Police Department prior to being printed.

9. Effective January 1st, 2025, the town fee for this service will be $20 cash (Please bring exact amount) or check made out to Town of East Lyme. We do not accept credit card or touchless payments.
