Will you or someone you care for require assistance during an evacuation or an extended power outage?
In order to provide the highest level of assistance to the residents of East Lyme during an emergency, the Office of Emergency Management is asking residents who would require assistance during an evacuation or an extended power outage, to please complete this form using one of the three available methods.
We can only help you if we know where you are, how to contact you and know your specific needs.
This is a form to register those that need assistance with evacuation or have a medical need for power.
If you are a caregiver for someone that may be in need of assistance during an emergency, please assist them to complete this form using one of these three methods:
- Online — Complete and Submit Form
- Email — Complete Form found in the Downloads section below, save it and Email the completed form as an attachment to Deputy EMD Wilson at: EastLymeEOC@EastLymePolice.org
- USPS Mail — Complete Form found in the Downloads section below, print it and mail it to:
East Lyme Emergency Management
Attention: Deputy EMD Wilson
P.O. Box 519
Niantic, CT 06357
In the event of local emergency, local public safety personnel will contact you to arrange for assistance. This information is voluntary and confidential.