Elderly and Totally Disabled Homeowners Tax Credit

A tax relief program for elderly and totally disabled persons who meet certain income requirements as approved by the Office of Policy and Management

Income limits for the 2024 calendar year cannot exceed $45,200 for single individual or $55,100.00 for married couples. Please keep in mind that this amount includes social security received for the 2024 calendar year. A complete copy of the 2024 IRS return must be submitted at time of application with a copy of the social security 1099. If no IRS return is filed, then all 1099 forms and all income for the year must be presented. Veteran pensions and veteran disability payments are included as income for this program. Anyone filing under totally disabled must submit proof of disability, i.e., an original award letter from Social Security and/or a current status report from Social Security and any other income.

  • Homeowner must be at least 65 years of age at the close of the preceding calendar year or be receiving 100% disability benefits from Social Security
  • Homeowner must occupy the property as their principal residence and not be receiving tax relief benefits as a homeowner in any other town or state

Filing Period: February 1 through May 15

Local Elderly and Totally Disabled Homeowners Tax Credit

In addition to the State homeowners tax credit, the Town of East Lyme passed an ordinance on November 2, 2005 providing additional tax relief for elderly and totally disabled homeowners. Applicants must be a resident of East Lyme, 65 years of age or over, or under age 65 and totally disabled

  • Applicant must have been taxpayer of the Town of East Lyme for 10 years immediately preceding their receipt of Town tax credit
  • Payment of property taxes must be current as of date of application
  • Property for which tax credit is claimed must be occupied by applicant as his or her principal residence (more than 183 days each year)
  • Income requirements are the same as those approved by the Office of Policy and Management
  • Proof of income and disability are required
  • Income limits are adjusted annually
  • Tax credit will range from $300.00 – $1,000.00 off the tax bill depending on applicants’ income
  • Maximum 2024 income is $55,100.00 regardless of marital status

Filing: February 1 through May 15