
  • Purpose
    • In order to effectively plan, manage and protect the Town’s capital assets, the Town has developed a capital improvement program.
    • The goals of the program are:
      • Effectively manage the Town’s assets by investing in basic infrastructure and facility needs.
      • Prepare a framework to make consistent decisions related to capital improvements aligned with overall Town goals and objectives regarding the physical and economic development of the community, asset management and the provisions of public services.
      • Promote financial stability and focus attention on the Town’s long-term financial capacity to meet capital needs by ensuring adequate capital investment.
      • Effectively communicate the Town’s priorities and plans for undertaking capital projects to internal and external stakeholders.
      • Coordinates the activities of municipal departments to reduce or avoid duplication.
  • The Capital Improvement Program Committee has nine members:
    • 2 Board of Selectmen members
    • 2 Board of Finance members
    • 2 Board of Education members
    • 3 members of the public
  • Scope
    • The Capital Improvement Program establishes the framework, policies and procedures to develop a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is a five-year plan that identifies the Town’s prioritized investments in capital assets and corresponding financial plans. A Capital Improvement (or Capital Project) is a planned activity, with an expenditure over $25,000 and a useful life of over five years, that creates, improves, maintains, replaces, or repairs Town capital assets. Capital improvements are generally not of a recurring nature and not included in the regular operating budget process. They usually involve one of the following

      • Acquisition of property, equipment, or assets
      • Construction of new facilities; and/or
      • Rehabilitation, reconstruction, renovation or upgrade of an existing asset to a condition which extends its useful life and/or increases its capacity.
    • The CIP is updated annually and the current year capital improvements, and their proposed funding, is approved as the Capital Budget, part of the municipal budget process in accordance with the requirements of Connecticut General Statutes 7-536. This is adopted in conjunctions with the annual operating budget process and is the spending authorization for capital items.
    • Expenditures that meet this definitions above, but cost less than $25,000 will be included in the Town’s annual operating budget. In addition to the above items, the CIP may include certain recurring expenditures that, due to their nature and anticipated costs, are best appropriated through the CIP such as the periodic revaluation.
  • Budget Information

Meeting Information